Monday, May 13, 2013

In my spare time I do something I probably shouldn't. I obsess over southern homes and plantations on pinterest. Its getting bad for my health, but I cant help it! I will live in a old southern home, one day. But for now Ill just cry over the fact that I don't live in these homes... 

Hope yall have a excellent Monday!

XOXO- Rach. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Ahhh! Finals are slowing kicking my butt! I cannot wait till summer! While I was studying some religion, I couldn't keep focused for my life! So I read and did flashcards for about 30 minutes or so, then I would take a 3 or 4 minute break! Here is what I did during my breaks! 

Painted my nails!

Flipped through a couple pages of Cosmo and whatever else I have laying around! 

Played this super addictive game, "Unblock me"

Scrolled through J.Crews website
(my wallet was not too happy about this one!) 

Picked up my room a little bit

Closed my eyes and dozed off for what seemed like a split second! 

I found that this helps me get and stay focused! I suggest trying it for yourself! 
Happy Studying/Finals week! 

XOXO- Rach. 

My "Go-to" outfit!

You know those days, where you cant find Anything that you want to wear? I have those days way too often. However, when this happens, I always resort to my go-to outfit! 
This ensemble includes...

A polo:

Sometimes A lilly murfee scarf:
(depending on the weather!)

A nice pair of jeans: 

Cute pair of flats: 

and of course pearls: 

There ya go! Let me know what yall's "go-to" outfits are! (:

XOXO- Rach. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The end..

Today I finished my last classes of my freshman year of college. When my parents used to say, "time flies" I just shrugged it off. But now, I am starting to realize how right they actually were. I move out of my dorm in 5 days! My roommate and I are making the best of our last days in room 401 and our sweet little college town. College sure is somethin'! 

Best wishes on finals/graduation/end of the school year stuff! 
XOXO- Rach. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Right now my hair is longish, but as we are getting closer and closer to summer, the more I just want to chop it all off! So naturally in class, what was I doing? Looking at new hairstyles of course! So I thought I would share what I am thinking! 

I cant decide!