Sunday, May 5, 2013


Ahhh! Finals are slowing kicking my butt! I cannot wait till summer! While I was studying some religion, I couldn't keep focused for my life! So I read and did flashcards for about 30 minutes or so, then I would take a 3 or 4 minute break! Here is what I did during my breaks! 

Painted my nails!

Flipped through a couple pages of Cosmo and whatever else I have laying around! 

Played this super addictive game, "Unblock me"

Scrolled through J.Crews website
(my wallet was not too happy about this one!) 

Picked up my room a little bit

Closed my eyes and dozed off for what seemed like a split second! 

I found that this helps me get and stay focused! I suggest trying it for yourself! 
Happy Studying/Finals week! 

XOXO- Rach. 

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